Love Your Body!

If you ask me, there are many things I could change in my body if I had a magic wand. I wish I had an oval-shaped face rather than my present square face (my Dad’s genes) . My thighs could stand improvement. When I began losing pound after pound after my braces were attached, it showed on my face but not on my thighs, where I wish it went.

So reading the April 3, 2007 article written by Dero Pedero in the Philippine Star was a reminder to me to be grateful for the body given by the Lord. As in that poem Desiderata by Max Ehrmann which was put to music and which has remained one of my favorites, ” If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.”

Pedero’s column reminds us of this miraculously efficient machine that heals itself, wards off diseases, pumps blood continuously, digests food, etc. He enumerates several ways for us to continue loving our bodies. Below are excerpts from that article:

“• Discover your body. Learn more about it by observing and examining its physical appearance, being conscious of the feelings it generates, and reading books and publications on how it functions. Look at your image in the mirror and take note of all the beautiful and remarkable things about yourself.

Accept it. Be comfortable with your body. Don’t focus on what you believe are its “flaws.” Be less self-conscious about your negative features and attributes — instead, focus on your other strengths, good qualities, and virtues like intelligence, creativity, kindness, trustworthiness, etc.

Be grateful for it. Thank the universe for giving you the body that you have. It is perfect for you right now and besides, you really don’t have much of a choice. Realize all the amazing things it can do for you, and all the things you cannot do without it. Should it be not so desirable or somewhat impaired, be grateful anyway because you possess the priceless gift of life.

Keep it healthy and nurture it. Treat your body with respect, kindness, and tender loving care. Feed it right, keep it active, exercise it, and give it the rest and sleep it needs. Follow an exercise regimen that you enjoy and keep your body flexible and well-toned. And develop your mental and spiritual faculties as well.

Enhance it. Keep your body clean and beautiful. Try the countless cosmetic products that can make it more beautiful and attractive. Mind your posture. The best additions you can enhance your body with are a brilliant mind and a loving heart. Remember that true beauty shines from within.

Pamper it. Find out what makes your body feel good. Take note of what gives it comfort and pleasure. Listen to its needs and give it the luxurious pampering it deserves every now and then. Treat yourself to relaxing bubble baths, invigorating massages, beauty treatments, and occasional food binges.

Be proud of it. Quit comparing your body to someone else’s! Develop a positive body image, no matter what shape you are in. Think positively about your body and stop negative self-talk. Relax your inhibitions, and show off your body every chance you get.

Love and celebrate it. Your body is a temple. You must respect, revere, and love it. You must initiate changes that would result in its being more loved by others. But remember that nobody will love your body unless you love it first. Celebrate it and savor all its wonder and glory.”

Let me know what you think!