A New Year Thought on LIFE

Thanks to Nicely for sending this SMS to me.

This says all I want to do for 2009 onwards.

May you be blessed by these words as well:

What’s the meaning of LIFE?…

“Keeping cool”, said the ice.

“Driving Hard”, said the hammer.

“Being up-to-date”, said the calendar.

“Being sharp”, said the knife.

“Making light around you”, said the fire.

“Sticking to it”, said the glue.

“Being bright”, said the lamp.

“Being on time”, said the clock.

“Saving a drop”, said the faucet.

And best of all…

“Learning from it”, said the mistake.

0 Replies to “A New Year Thought on LIFE”

  1. What a clever post…thanks for sharing it.

    Today (as on most Sundays) I’m a cross between the hammer, knife, and glue…with a little ice on hand.

    Have a great ’09!

    take care,
    Louise Lewis, author
    No Experts Needed: The Meaning of Life According to You!

    FREE gift e-book at: http://www.noexpertsneeded.com
    (No strings/spam…Simply my way of ‘giving back’ to life!)

Let me know what you think!