A Royal Wedding in April

I’m one of those hopeless romantics who will be following the live coverage of the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton on April 29. Many years ago, I also sat glued to the TV set, watching as Prince Charles wed Princess Diana.

What’s it with royal weddings that brings out the romance and the curious in us?

I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that they live such sheltered lives and any news published about them (except for the tabloids) passes through some sort of censorship and approval from Buckingham Palace. For me, the fascination lies in the fact that the royal family has come a long way from their traditions and customs. Princess Diana paved the way for a slow acceptance of commoners marrying royalty, of the royal family being more visible and closer to the people, and of love being of a high priority (up there with duty).

This wedding is more special to me because the foundation clearly is LOVE. Prince William and Kate have been together for 8 years. That is a long time to build a strong foundation for marriage. And with Prince William bearing a lot of the influence of Princess Diana growing up in terms of her capacity for compassion towards others, her popularity with people from all walks of life, and her strong sense of duty, it is widely believed that he will eventually be a modern monarch in all aspects.

In my other blog, The Philippine Beat, I assembled a list of popular apps available now on the royal wedding. You can also find there a link to the official royal wedding site.

This April 29, I will surely be at home, watching the entire event on TV.

Do you plan to watch? What are your thoughts on this wedding?

Let me know what you think!