After over a quarter of a century of marriage and four kids, I have seen how stuff in the house has accumulated, piled up and taken up precious real estate space at home. It was not so bad when it was just the two of us back then. But as the kids started coming, we had to make room again and again and again for new furniture, their clothes, toys, books, etc. And, as they grew older and more fashion-conscious, their stuff also added up.
I have been looking around the house and I have come to the conclusion that I do not need all these stuff. In fact, I still have wedding gifts (yes, MY wedding gifts!) still unused in one closet. So I’ve set myself on a path to minimalism (as best I could) by getting rid of things I may never ever use or have more sets than I need.
If you are also tired of all the kalat (mess) around the house, start a minimalism project too. It will take determination and patience but I think it can be done. Here are some things to keep in mind.
1. Work one area of the house at a time. – Some of us get overwhelmed because we start in different places in the house and end up with a greater mess all over. Just start with a corner, a bookshelf or a closet and train yourself just to focus on that area. Initially, your floor space will look like World War III as you arrange and rearrange stuff but that is temporary!
2. Be ruthless!!! That means having to let go of some sentimental stuff. It is okay to keep some memorabilia from family and friends but there are really items you can let go of.
3. Separate brand new from pre-loved items. The brand new ones can be sold at higher prices but lower than retail prices so that they get sold quickly; pre-loved items can be offered at a garage sale or even donated outright. Your trash will be other people’s treasure.
4. Ask friends where you can offer your items for sale. Some of them may have bazaars or online exchange groups that can accommodate you. There are many non-profit organizations and secondhand buyers who can take them off your hands too. A Google Search can be helpful too in identifying potential donees. Prisons, government hospitals, public schools — these are just some of the institutions that will welcome your old stuff.
By ridding your house of unnecessary things, you also clear it of negative energy and welcome in more positive energy. Best of all, it turns assets that just lie around into cash. If you are disciplined enough to set aside these earnings from your minimalism efforts, you can actually build a small investment sum for yourself.
We are still far from being a minimalistic household. But it is a dream for me to really cut down to the barest essentials one day. In the process, it will also provide me with some liquidity I could plunk elsewhere where it will earn rather than gather dust.
What do you think?