Our Harry Potter Day

Yes, unlike my 2 diehard mommy blogger friends (Noemi and Dine) who, together with their daughters, lined up at 7AM in the morning to get their Harry Potter 7 books, I did not make HP history.

Instead, I was still in bed trying to catch more winks after having slept past midnight. The kids also could not get up in time for the 11:30 AM showing of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix at Promenade so we took a vote and decided unanimously to just take it easy and go to the 2:15 PM show instead.

Continue reading “Our Harry Potter Day”

A Brewing Storm on July 21


As I write this, it is merely hours before Book 7 of the Harry Potter series hits Manila with the force of a signal 3 storm.

The bookstore branch where we had reserved our copy months ago just sent an email that they will open their doors as early as 7AM to accommodate the expected throng of HP can’t-wait-to-get-my-hands-on-it fans who have followed Harry, Hermione and Ron from the start. The plan for us now is to watch HP the Movie tomorrow first thing (yes, because of my confinement we are one of the last in the metro who still have not seen it) then walk over to the bookstore and bring home THE book.  Continue reading “A Brewing Storm on July 21”

A Book That Could Save a Relationship

If ever there is a book that will save many a marriage or relationship (and make you laugh while reading it), THIS IS IT — “Why Men Don’t Listen & Women Can’t Read Maps”. My feet were killing me at a mall while I waited for hubby to pick me up, so I dodged into the bookstore and ended up buying this one.

I had read “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus” and it was good, intellectual reading — that is, if you got to finish reading it from cover to cover. This book, authored by Allan & Barbara Pease, may be a very simplified version of the Venus-Mars one but it does play up so many of the irritants that can crop up between a man and a woman and gives a logical explanation to them — that when it comes down to the nitty-gritty of things, men and women are indeed WIRED DIFFERENTLY and, in the authors’ words, “the way our brains are wired and the hormones pulsing through our bodies are the two factors that largely dictate, long before we are born, how we will think and behave. Our instincts are simply our genes determining how our bodies will behave in given sets of circumstances.” Continue reading “A Book That Could Save a Relationship”