Two words. Two syllables. Too simple. Too often left unsaid.
My parents taught me to say thank you whenever possible. And — Thank You is not only reserved for people with authority over us or who are our friends and family. Even household help, office workers, drivers, security guards, salesladies in malls, janitors and the like deserve to hear our thanks when they do something for us.
I personally believe that Filipinos are a grateful people. Yes, busy-ness sometimes becomes a reason not to verbalize gratitude but I think this is not the majority of us. Just take a look at the recent wake and funeral of Pres. Corazon Aquino (Tita Cory). The sight of people from all walks of life braving the rains and wind then, patiently lining up for hours exposed to the elements just to glimpse her body for a few seconds, was a humbling sight of a grateful nation that wanted to physically express just what Tita Cory had done for the country. The world was witness to how we, as a nation, expressed our GRATITUDE to someone who loved our country and us.
Sometimes we don’t forget to thank others but we neglect to thank those closest to us — our families — thinking that there is no need to since they are, precisely, ‘family’. I believe that verbal expressions of thanks within the close family circle not only makes the family member concerned feel appreciated and needed but serves to strengthen the familial bonds.
My warm THANK YOU goes to the person who has become my partner in life and father to our 4 wonderful kids. All these years, his calm and prayerful disposition has always been a source of strength for us when difficult situations hit. I have seen him countless times reach important decisions only after deep prayer and discernment. He is not the perfect husband or father (neither am I the perfect wife or Mom) and many times, work occupies his time. But he is a devoted and loving husband/father who takes his role seriously, bonds with the kids whenever he can, and can always be counted on as an anchor and adviser not only within our extended family but even with friends and clients.
On hubby’s last birthday, we surprised him with a family dinner and a huge cake to express our love and thanks for our padre de familia.

Now that aside, how many different ways do you think are there of expressing gratitude?
Flowers? Chocolates? Cards?
Oh, I am sure we Filipinos can do better than this! LET’S GET CREATIVE!
Toblerone, a popular international Swiss chocolate brand, is now on its 3rd year of sponsoring National Thank You Day in the Philippines.

In conjunction with their celebration, my blog is hosting a PHOTO CONTEST.
The photo contest is open to all Filipinos of legal age living WITHIN THE GREATER MANILA AREA ONLY.
HOW TO JOIN (updated 9/7/09)
1. Take a photo (must be your original work) that shows a creative way of saying thank you or expressing gratitude. Yes, use your imagination, think beyond the ordinary, make it fun, crazy, romantic, cheesy, or as wacky as you wish.
2. Only 1 entry per person. Any persons featured in the submitted photos must have given permission to the entrant for him/her to be used. The use of minors in pictures must have the explicit approval of the parents/guardian.
3. Post this photo entry in your own website (blog, Multiply, Friendster, Facebook, etc) and link these photo entries to the gallery found in www.thankyoudayphilippines.com.
4. Also post the link from your entry to mine here as a comment so that it qualifies as an entry in my blog. Make sure that I can access/view your entry. (Please be sure to provide a valid email address when posting your link as this is how I will get back to the finalists chosen)
SELECTION PROCESS (updated 9/7/09)
1. From the entries, I will select five (5) finalists (the decision will be considered final).
2. Three (3) top winners among all shortlisted entries (other bloggers will submit their shortlists as well) will be selected by a panel composed of employees of the Sponsor and its PR agency, GeiserMaclang Marketing Communications, Inc.
3. The 3 top winners will be announced at the National Thank You Day Awards on Oct. 20, 2009 at Mall of Asia. Each one will receive a Toblerone gift pack (all shortlisted entries will also be given a thank you kit).
For more details on the contest mechanics, please visit www.thankyoudayphilippines.com.
The photo contest begins Monday, Sept. 7, 2009 at 2PM and ends on Friday, Oct. 16, 2009, 5 PM. I will close off the Comments section of this post once the deadline has passed.
And yes, a BIG THANK YOU in advance for joining the contest.