Our Friendly Neighborhood Guy…

Had a L-O-N-G afternoon with 4 of my yoga friends. We had lunch (another excuse for bonding), did some serious talking about something we 4 were getting into, and broke up around 4:00 pm.

V wanted to buy some groceries and we were also looking for a shop that photocopied some documents so off to V-Mall we went. As we passed by Toy Kingdom, a huge crowd was gathering at the display windows. Guess who was inside — good ol’ Spidey!!!

Just could not let an opportunity pass me by so off I went inside the store, making my way inch by inch to the front where I snapped several pics of the sticky guy.

This was the best shot I got. I REALLY have to work on my photography skills!!!!

The Big C

Just recently, a good friend of ours experienced the biggest challenge of his life — he was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma, an aggressive form of cancer that hit his colo-rectal area.

Like us, they belong to a prayer community so it was not long before news of his condition went around. At that time, they were looking for an oncologist-surgeon whose specialty was the colo-rectal area. Immediately, they were swamped with emails, texts and calls from brothers and sisters in Christ. The doctors in our community began recommending co-doctors (in fact, the doctor they eventually chose happened to be a cousin of another brother); a doctor-sister accompanied his wife yesterday at their first visit to this doctor; prayer brigades were set up and many even went to their home to pray over the couple. Others asked about their financial situation and were suggesting that if need be, the hat should be passed around the entire community (which we used to do for similar situations of brothers and sisters in need.)

Such a situation is devastating to any family. But what is admirable about this couple is not that they are afflicted with all the concerns that go with a family member having cancer. It is HOW THEY ARE RESPONDING IN FAITH TO GOD. Last night we had a prayer meeting and they shared about how overwhelming it was to feel God’s love for them through the people who responded. Their faces showed the peace and calm that only trusting in God’s control of the situation brings.

The more difficult part of their challenge is yet to come but I am confident that with the kind of attitude they are manifesting now, they will hurdle these together. Those of us who are healthy at the moment cringe at the prospect of facing The Big C. But for this couple, The Big C takes on new meaning…

CARE and COMPASSION from the Lord through COMMUNITY.