She is accused of many crimes, among them kidnapping, murder and attempted homicide. Her last name (Rosal) rings familiar in all areas of society. After all, she is the daughter of the late Gregorio “Ka Roger” Rosal, known as the New People’s Army (NPA) spokesperson. Last March 27, on orders of a court in Quezon, Andrea Rosal was arrested in Caloocan City.
Andrea Rosal was pregnant and close to full term, was placed in a tiny cell with several other women inmates, and not given ample medical attention (a contention by some human rights groups). She prematurely gave birth to Diona Andrea Rosal but 2 days after, Baby Diona passed away due to “persistent pulmonary hypertension”.
Andrea Rosal with Baby Diona Andrea (photo from Free Andrea Rosal Movement)
We may be a Third World country lacking in so many things that First World nations have in abundance. But let it not be said that we lack gratitude.
My own Mom always drilled this into me. Say “Thank you”. As a kid, I heard her tell me this so many times. It almost sounded like nagging when she’d remind, “Say thank you, say thank you…” But I’m glad she did.
Who would ever have imagined it! My whole life, school always began in June and ended in March. But starting 2014, some schools will be shifting academic calendar by beginning in August and ending in May.
The first to announce the change is the University of the Philippines, which will implement the new academic calendar with the 2014-15 school year in the following constituent units: UP Manila, UP Los Baños, UP Baguio, UP Visayas (all campuses: Iloilo, Miag-ao, and Tacloban), UP Open University, and UP Cebu, according to this Rappler article. But did you notice the list still hasn’t included UP Diliman (UPD)? It appears more consultation is needed with UPD’s stakeholders, which they will be doing in the coming weeks.
I was a greenhorn blogger in 2007 attending my first ever iblog3 summit in UP. Back then, I was just a participant — listening and being in awe of the blogger speakers who, for me, were already popular and well known in the blogosphere.
One of those that struck me then and in succeeding iblog summits was one guy who started vlogging (that is a v, not a b) ahead of his time. While the rest of us were writing our thoughts down, Coy (then popularly known by the monicker CokskiBlue) was already making waves as one of, if not the first ever, video blogger.
Imagine, Coy was already vlogging as far back as 2007!
“Life always has different chapters. You just can’t be in the same chapter forever. You’ll get stuck.” ~ @WilzKanadi
This quote jumped out at me as I was checking my Twitter timeline. I did not exactly think of my life in terms of chapters but when I look back, I can indeed see the “chapters” and how they have led me to where I am now and what I will be doing down the road.
In this article, it says “Type A personalities experience a constant sense of urgency: Type A people seem to be in a constant struggle against the clock. Often, they quickly become impatient with delays and unproductive time, schedule commitments too tightly, and try to do more than one thing at a time, such as reading while eating or watching television.”
That pretty much summed me up during my growing up and early corporate years. I lead a very academic- and career-oriented life. Graduating at the top of my class in high school and college were the fruits of that labor. I was just as driven when I joined SGV (over 15 years) where I was exposed to financial audits, research, lectures and training, computer audits and IT consultancy.
In between projects abroad and local work, I also took a 2-year hiatus and went to Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania where I earned my MBA degree under a scholarship from SGV.
The SoMoms had another life coaching session with Coach Pia recently. After my first coaching session with her, I realized how important it was to have a life coach that can look at your state of life and concerns from an objective and FEMALE (important!) point of view.