It has been over a year since COVID-19 hit. The pandemic’s impact has been very bad for businesses that were forced to downsize or worse, close down. Families feel the pinch on household budgets as family members’ earning capacity is affected.
This year, I celebrate my 15th year as a blogger. That is almost as long as the amount of time I spent on my first job with a leading accounting firm, much longer than my stint with a bank, and about half the number of years I’ve been married.
I started my blogging journey back in 2005/2006 on the Multiply platform before it transformed into an e-commerce platform then shut down in 2013. I learned to improve my craft through the years by attending annual iBlog summits, organized by internet marketing specialist Janette Toral. In the last years of iBlog, I had several opportunities to become a speaker or panelist and share my own insights with new batches of bloggers.
Veteran bloggers of iBlog summits at the last iBlog in 2019. (L-R): Me, Mike Abundo, JJ Disini, Tonyo Cruz, Ruben Licera
Last June 30, 2021, President Duterte signed Republic Act (R.A.) No. 11569, extending the estate tax amnesty (RA 11213) by another two years till June 14, 2023. The news was received with a collective sigh of relief. Many who had been working on their amnesty application but were affected by the pandemic were given a new opportunity to do so.
The original deadline based on the Tax Amnesty Act (RA 11213) was June 14, 2021 but the pandemic resulted in a low turnout of people availing of the amnesty. Rep. Joey Salceda, chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee, noted that out of the targeted PhP 6 billion in taxes from the amnesty program, only about PhP 1.362 billion was collected.
My alarm clock woke me up around 8AM of June 24, a Thursday. I had set the alarm so I would not miss the installation of the new Archdiocese of Manila, Cardinal Jose Advincula. I was excited. Not only was he from Capiz (an Ilonggo like me) but he was also the one filling a void in the archdiocese left by Card. Luis Antonio Tagle when he was reassigned to the Vatican. Bishop Pabillo did a great job being the Administrator of the Archdiocese since February 2020 when Card. Tagle was assigned prefect of Propaganda Fide.
I watched the presenting of the keys of the 5 cities under the Archdiocese by the 5 mayors of Makati, Pasay, Mandaluyong, San Juan, and Manila. This was followed by a solemn Mass officiated by Card. Jose “Joe” and included the reading of a letter from Pope Francis designating Cardinal Joe as the next Archbishop of the Diocese of Manila.
For me, this post has always been significant ever since it was held by Cardinal Sin. Cardinal Sin’s role in EDSA People Power was strong and clear and the flock heard and answered his call. My siblings and I, with our Dad, headed to EDSA to be with the millions of other people who did the same.
This time, Cardinal Joe has said that he will be a listening shepherd. Oh, if only he realizes just how badly we all need a listening servant leader!!!
Photo source: The Manila Cathedral FB page
Just before the end of the Mass, Cardinal Joe himself announced the passing of former Pres. Aquino. Of course, since I had been tuned to the installation of Card. Joe since early morning, I did not check social media so his announcement came as a big shock to me. I quickly checked Twitter and found out it was indeed true. I went to ABS-CBN’s FB page and shared the breaking news bearing PNoy’s photo with a very quick post. Then went back to finish the rest of the Mass.
Since then, I have been mulling over the confluence of events and wondering if the Lord was sending us a sign…
Cardinal Joe (whose patron saint is St. Joseph) is being assigned to lead the Archdiocese of Manila in the year dedicated by the Church to St. Joseph (the father who protected his family in times of danger)
His installation falls on June 24, the feast of St. Joseph
PNoy passes away on June 24
Is there a meaning to all these events falling on this day? I do not know but only time will tell. This sentence going around social media caught my eye. I don’t know who the author is but as I read it, I felt a small shiver go through my body…
“Every time the country needs saving, an Aquino dies”.
It has been a while since I had a relatively free weekend. Normally, I would have a list of articles from a bevy of media events that need writing up. Or there would be Zoom meetings to attend. Or I had accounting-related work for hubby.
I looked at my phone’s calendar today and realized there was…nothing. So I’m using this weekend to catch up on what got me started with blogging way back in 2006 — the plain and simple desire to write.
Back then, blogging was personal and up close. It was all about us, our life, our thoughts and ideas, sharing what we knew, getting people to help in different situations. Today, I find most of my blogging time is taken up by media events. Not that I am complaining. I enjoy attending those events. But I relegated my personal blogging to a low priority and I miss it. It is the essence of who I am as a blogger.
Of all my blogs, this blog is the one least updated because I’m reserving it for my personal posts. I was horrified today when I realized that my last post was in January as 2021 came round the corner. Almost half a year ago! That never happened when I first started writing in 2006.
So, when I have free weekends like today, I will write about things closest to my heart. No need to look for pictures to add to them. No pressure to include anchor texts, backlinks, keywords, and all that SEO stuff. Just plain ol’ writing of what’s inside me.
I had been planning to meet 2021 with the words, “GOOD RIDDANCE, 2020!”
After all, what was there to remember of 2020? The Taal Volcano eruption in January, followed by COVID-19 cases showing up in the Philippines leading to a March lockdown, devastating typhoons, floods, and earthquakes. It seemed like all possible disasters that could happen to the Philippines all decided to show up in 2020. Personally, I have lost track of days. I have not stepped out of my house since March 15. All I know of what is going on in Metro Manila is from the internet and TV. Our world has been turned upside down.
But life also changed (for the better, I think) because of the pandemic. My life became simpler.
We had more time as a family to bond because thankfully, my kids’ employers were able to arrange work-from-home schedules. It’s the best of both worlds for us. They get to work from the safety of home; I get to see and talk to them every day!
A major change for me was to finally refuse to dye my hair. It began when the salon in my neighborhood closed down. Being locked down, there was no burning need anymore for me to keep on coloring my hair every few weeks. My thinning hair became thicker without chemicals on it. My hair is now a natural silver. My niece says I should say ‘platinum’ (haha, it sounds more sophisticated). I am just waiting a few more months till it is safer for me to visit a proper salon so that the remaining length that still has color can finally be chopped off and I get a great hairstyle in all my platinum glory. I have joined a global Facebook group of women growing out our gray hair. It is a very supportive and loving group. What a journey this is!
I have had more time to declutter. Major decluttering! I found a recycling center that schedules pickups of whatever I do not need at home anymore (paper, boxes, glass bottles, damaged appliances, used furniture, and even the ecobricks I make. It’s amazing how decluttering actually makes me feel a positive shift in energy around the home. The less stuff at home, the more space for fresh air to circulate.
A big realization also was the amount of money I have saved just by attending online media events. I used to have a car and driver at my disposal each time I went out. I had to take care of the driver’s meals as well as parking fees. Not to mention the depreciation of the car and gasoline expenses. Now that blogger events have moved online, those expenses are gone. Plus, I no longer have travel time. How wonderful to be able to sleep in longer, wear little to no makeup, and still be able to attend the media event.
I have been able to attend weekday Masses more frequently. This Sunday-only kind of Mass-goer discovered several online Masses, including The Manila Cathedral masses. The Mass has become extra special for me and I derive a lot of inspiration from the homilies.
There is really truth to the saying that in every situation, including what we think is bad, there are silver linings and there is always a reason. I look at my silver linings for 2020 and say “Thank you, 2020! Thank you, Lord!”…because now I see what is more important. Right on top is my family’s health. This trumps everything else that I may have “lost” by being locked down.
I do not know what 2021 will bring but I am hopeful. Here’s something a friend posted on her Facebook account. It resonated so strongly with me so I asked permission from her to share it here. Let me know how this strikes you.
Happy New Year! May 2021 be so much more healthy, peaceful, and kinder to us all.