Pinoy Inmates Rock to “Thriller”

Last Friday, I was unwinding and watching TV Patrol when the newscasters featured a YouTube video posted just last July 17, 2007 by Byron Garcia, prison supervisor of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center (CPDRV), Cebu, Philippines. Byron Garcia himself was interviewed by TV Patrol as he explained that he simply posted this video on YouTube to share his innovation with the rest of the penal community, not expecting the international hit that it would become.

You may ask — what’s so unusual about this YouTube video?

* It features about 1,000 neon orange-clad prisoners from CPDRC doing their morning exercise

* These inmates all dance, without missing a beat, to the song of Michael Jackson’s Thriller in amazing choreographed moves

* As of this posting, this video has had over 2.3 million views (talk of a video epidemic!)

The video got its share of positive and negative reactions from viewers and media around the world.

Continue reading “Pinoy Inmates Rock to “Thriller””

Family Mortal Enemy #1

If there is one thing our whole family hates to pieces and considers as #1 mortal enemy, that is the ugly, dirty, no-reason-to-exist ROACH!!!!

Yes, our disgust over this lowly creature has been handed down from generation to generation. My Mom’s side.

You see, my Mom is one sturdy lady. She was our disciplinarian. And she took care of most things around the house and in school. You’d think she was always cool and collected. But if there is one thing that scares the hell out of her, it is the cockroach. Her peripheral vision and instincts are so good that the moment a cockroach takes flight, she would scream bloody murder and run out of the room faster than anyone else.

Is it any wonder then that I have inherited that part of her DNA that absolutely loathes this creature? And my kids feel the same?

Just last night, one of the kids let out a bloodcurdling scream. Even before I rushed to the room to check on them, I already had a feeling the ENEMY was sighted once again. It has gotten to the point where “the ultimate weapon” (in other words, Baygon roach killer canisters) is now located upstairs and downstairs, within reach of us all. And last night, one of them indeed used the weapon against the enemy, sending them all out of their room (due to the toxic fumes) and into our room (where they killed time till the smell dissipated).

I have always believed that everything happens and exists for a purpose. But….WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF A ROACH?

Our Harry Potter Day

Yes, unlike my 2 diehard mommy blogger friends (Noemi and Dine) who, together with their daughters, lined up at 7AM in the morning to get their Harry Potter 7 books, I did not make HP history.

Instead, I was still in bed trying to catch more winks after having slept past midnight. The kids also could not get up in time for the 11:30 AM showing of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix at Promenade so we took a vote and decided unanimously to just take it easy and go to the 2:15 PM show instead.

Continue reading “Our Harry Potter Day”

A Brewing Storm on July 21


As I write this, it is merely hours before Book 7 of the Harry Potter series hits Manila with the force of a signal 3 storm.

The bookstore branch where we had reserved our copy months ago just sent an email that they will open their doors as early as 7AM to accommodate the expected throng of HP can’t-wait-to-get-my-hands-on-it fans who have followed Harry, Hermione and Ron from the start. The plan for us now is to watch HP the Movie tomorrow first thing (yes, because of my confinement we are one of the last in the metro who still have not seen it) then walk over to the bookstore and bring home THE book.  Continue reading “A Brewing Storm on July 21”

Are You Addicted to Blogging?

If you want to test how addicted you are to blogging, go visit this link:

As for me, the results speak for themselves:

I also came across this article to check just how high your blogging addiction is.

10 Signs That You May Be a Blog Addict

  1. Bloglines, Google Reader or some other RSS reader is constantly open on your computer’s desktop. (hmmm. I am about to subscribe to RSS reader since I lose track of whose blog posts I have not read yet…sa dami)
  2. You tell customers that you missed a project deadline because “some things” came up but in reality, you were blogging. (not yet. will I ever? abangan…)
  3. You periodically dream that you are blogging. (di pa naman)
  4. You get inspiration for new blog posts at the strangest times – in the Jacuzzi, sitting on the toilet, during marital activities (cough, cough)… you get the picture. (ahhh…secret!)
  5. Before blogs, you used to tuck the kids into bed at night. Now you check for unapproved blog comments before heading to bed yourself. (guilty!)
  6. In order for your family to keep up with what’s going on in your life, they have to read your blog. Furthermore, if they want to communicate with you, they have to comment on your blog. (my kids read my blogs and v.v. and we love commenting on each other’s blogs. and we YM across our rooms.)
  7. You have actually considered setting up a blog for your pet of which you would post the entries pretending you are your pet (weirdo). (i have seen a dog and cat blog but I am not that weird yet, hahaha)
  8. You can’t remember dates for your wedding anniversary, kids birthdays, etc., but you know what your Technorati rank is. (di pa ako ganun ka senile. I still remember those events but of course, I also know my Technorati rank, hah!)
  9. You blog about anything and everything including bad mealsyour petsgetting your car stuck in snowconversations you have in the bathroom, etc. (yup!)
  10. Keeping a blog is no longer enough but you now have to record your every move onTwitter. (Guilty again! Follow me on my Twitter!)

How did you do? Let me know….
