I’ve had my iPad for close to a year now and had downloaded the Find My iPhone app. But that’s as far as it went. Call it procrastination or simply neglect, but I never really spent time looking into, and activating, the app (shame on me!).I also had a password set up on the ipad but lazy me would keep forgetting to activate it whenever I’d step
At least until now.
A good friend recently lost his iPhone on the way home. He was not fazed. Being a geek, he used his Find My iPhone app to lock his phone remotely. Since the phone was not on wifi or 3G connection, he could not locate it right away but the ability to do it is there. I had already heard of people in other countries who have used this very same app to locate their phones which they accidentally lost or were deliberately taken from them (some such stories can be read HERE and HERE). But it was not until it hit close to home that I realized that I could easily lose my own iPad along with all my important data in it.
Losing a gadget does not just mean losing a gadget. Because of its storage capacity and portability, your entire communications and working life is often inside the gadget or phone. It has your appointments and contacts. Often, because of the convenience of being able to check email, you are permanently logged on to many of your email accounts. The same is true with social networking sites. Can you imagine what a disaster it would be to lose your gadget with you logged in to all your email and social network accounts?
On an iPad, this is what you need to do to secure your device (it may be a bit different on the iPhone or iPod Touch but hopefully, you can google the steps specific to your device):