The Story behind the (New) Blog Name

This blog went by the title “Here’s To Life!” before. For many years, it was a great title that came with a tagline “Live, Love, Laugh”. It reflected my desire to live life as the tagline said.

I had found a bench with my blog tagline!
I had found a bench with my blog tagline – LIVE LOVE LAUGH!

But now that I have crossed the half century mark, I feel that I have done more than just live, love, and laugh. I wanted my blog to reflect what I am trying to do in this second half of life.

Discovering blogging and advocacy work
Discovering blogging and advocacy work

It is not just living, but trying to live PURPOSELY and MINDFULLY.

It is not just loving, but trying to love UNCONDITIONALLY and with NO JUDGEMENT.

It is not just laughing, but trying to LAUGH OFF worries, concerns and the years in order to live agelessly.

Becoming a yin yoga teacher after 50
Becoming a yin yoga teacher after 50

I realized that moving from a serious, corporate, rat race life to a stay-at-home Mom to a blogger to a social media advocate meant that I could be anything I want to in this life…..that age should not limit one’s self…..that passion happens at any age…..that being a woman finding her strength in her feminine power was awesome….that being a Mom to adult children brought me new freedom and new experiences with my family…..that I had a personal stake in trying to transform my country into a much better one for my children, their friends, and their families for future generations.

Being with young mommy bloggers gives me new perspectives in parenting
Being with young mommy bloggers gives me new perspectives in parenting
Speaking before students at the Philippine Good Governance Summit
Speaking before students at the Philippine Good Governance Summit

So now, my blog is titled “Life, Take 2”.

I share my journey with all of you to let you know that all of us can reinvent ourselves, acquire new skills, be a new person, at any stage of our lives, even past our prime.

I am still a work in progress and I do not think this transition will ever end. This is such an amazing second chance I am being given by God and I want to see how I can be the best person He intended me to be.

You can reinvent yourself too.

You are never too old