A Wanna-Be-Fit’s Confession

Okay, okay, I have a confession to make.

In my strong desire to be fit, I began cutting out junk food from my shopping list and whenever possible, would encourage the kids to substitute starchy, fried snacks for healthier options. And to set the example, I tried to choose the healthiest foods I could lay my hands on at home.

Who’d ever think that this wanna-be-fit lady would succumb and backslide? Well, THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED TO ME TODAY.

I had just come from National Book Store along Annapolis St. and took the shortcut through the tiny gate-on-the-wall beside Teriyaki Boy, crossed over to Theater Mall and was about to walk toward V-Mall when the very strong scent of french fries wafted towards me.

Now, normally at McDo, I can resist this item. But today was something else. Turns out there is a Belgian Fries stand at the corner, right beside The Big Chill (for those familiar with the Greenhills complex).

Before I knew it, I found myself ordering a large helping of Belgian fries with roasted garlic dip. And I must say, that was so far THE BEST fries and dip I have ever tasted!!!! WHY DO UNHEALTHY FOODS HAVE TO TASTE SO GOOD??????

Never mind if it was cooked in artery-clogging oil. This “pimple food” (as I would refer to it whenever my fries-addict daughter bought them) was just too much to resist!

I am actually still deciding whether I regret my earlier action or not……

Heard of vegan ice cream?

Rejoice, all you ice cream lovers!!! I found this blog site that features, of all things, recipes for making vegan ice cream (sorry for those who are lactose intolerant!). Actually, Agnes (that is her name) has recipes for brownies, cookies and other pastries as well. Yum yum!


If you are an ice cream fanatic like me (never mind what flavor, I will eat it!), then you will have a great time looking over this vegan’s posts.

Hope one of you has an ice cream maker or suddenly has the urge to try out any of her recipes. I am offering to be a guinea pig ANYTIME!