My reflections on 15 years of blogging

This year, I celebrate my 15th year as a blogger. That is almost as long as the amount of time I spent on my first job with a leading accounting firm, much longer than my stint with a bank, and about half the number of years I’ve been married.

I started my blogging journey back in 2005/2006 on the Multiply platform before it transformed into an e-commerce platform then shut down in 2013. I learned to improve my craft through the years by attending annual iBlog summits, organized by internet marketing specialist Janette Toral.  In the last years of iBlog, I had several opportunities to become a speaker or panelist and share my own insights with new batches of bloggers.

Veteran bloggers of iBlog summits at the last iBlog in 2019. (L-R): Me, Mike Abundo, JJ Disini, Tonyo Cruz, Ruben Licera

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