Streetdancing Ain’t for Kids Alone!

Once in a while we’ve got to let our hair down. And I decided that today was one of those days….

The gym I go to decided to offer a demo class in streetdancing. We had just finished an hour of good yoga with Pio and that was already quite a workout. But some yogamates stayed back, planning to try out the hour-long demo class in hip-hop. So….why not????

Our teacher was a young guy, Bismarc. And most of us in the class were mommies. Ang lalakas ng loob!!! Or makakapal lang ang mga mukha… Well, eventually, we were joined by a high school boy. Good thing the school’s Dance X boys (recent champions in the high school Skechers Streetdance Competitions) were not around. If they had shown up, I would have walked out.

We went through several routines and I actually found myself enjoying them and being able to follow. The rhythm of the music actually helped. But wow, what a cardio workout it was! We went through about 10 different steps and when done one after the other, with a repeat set, you could really feel your heart pounding.

I hope it becomes a regular class. For the cardio benefits at the very least, it should do me some good.

I came home and excitedly told my kids about the class, to which Cara shockingly reacted “Mom!!!!” Hahaha. It’ll take a while before they get used to the idea that someone more than twice their age can dance their dances. And why not? It’s all retro nowadays with the songs of the 70s and 80s coming back. Even the Y Generation is now learning how to dance the chacha, foxtrot, swing and all those dances we are familiar with. Why not the reverse too?

And…who says you can’t have fun while getting fit?