An Ode to Family and Friends

Not many people outside of close family and friends knew that I quietly celebrated my birthday while the whole Philippines was celebrating Ninoy Aquino’s 25th death anniversary.

I am not one to make a big fuss about my birthday, really. In fact, I went to work and no one there was the wiser.

At this stage of my life, I treasure moments shared with people I love. My kids tease me because I take pictures of everthing when we go out — the food, the place, them (I herd them here & there for pics). When you are on your second life (as I call it), it becomes even more important to make memories for your self and for those you love. These pictures will always serve to remind me of these moments as time and age could erase many precious moments from one’s mind as one goes into the senior years.

But quiet though it was, it was nevertheless memorable for me in many ways because I had my family and close friends to celebrate it with.

Some special birthday moments:

* Waking up to a slew of text messages from family and friends greeting me and keeping me replying the whole day

* Sending bday greetings to my boys’ School Director (a Jesuit priest) with whom I share the same birth date (and….getting back his reply with prayers)

* Getting a beautiful birthday card from the kids, my Mom & siblings (and C1 even let her good friends who I have known since their elementary years sign too)


* Dinner out with Chona, my yogini friend, who shares the birth month with me and with whom I have had many girl friend moments


* Dinner with my family at Gloriamaris (with hubby making a beautiful prayer and wishes for me)

* Getting to talk to my father-inlaw (who never fails to send me a card year after year but could not this year as he is in the hospital) and hearing him greet me over the cellphone

* A surprise birthday greeting via email from someone in the US who played an important part in my second life

* Receiving a beautiful book on grace from a dear friend


* Receiving a surprise cake from the people over at Geiser Maclang (thanks guys!)


To all of you (my dearest family & friends) I share this haiku I made today:

My full heart beats strong

Every beat a memory of time together

Special corners in my soul.


0 Replies to “An Ode to Family and Friends”

  1. it’s not always late, di ba? happy birthday, dear friend! may you have your special heart’s desire at the moment, and may God super bless you always.

    Jane: It’s NEVER too late, Dine. Thank you! πŸ™‚

  2. Happy birthday! Didn’t know that your birthday is Aug 21! You actually share the same birthday as joyfulchicken from Glad it was a fun day for you! πŸ™‚

    Jane: Hi Philos! Oh…tell joyful chicken I am happy we have the same bday. Yes, it was a wonderful day for me…. πŸ™‚

  3. Belated Happy Birthday! Yes we should really take pictures and journal memories because one day we will have our “senior moments” and these pictures will being back the feelings and memories.

    Jane: Thanks for the greetings, Mayi! πŸ™‚

  4. birthdays of special people always deserves a little funfare…

    Jane: Thanks, Aly! You’re one of those who never fail to remember my day… πŸ™‚

  5. I’m sooo late! But birthday hugs are always welcome, aren’t they? So here are my hugs for you {{{{hugs}}}}

    I wish you another awesome year, Jane! πŸ™‚

    Jane: Chats, hugs of all kinds are ALWAYS welcome all year round! πŸ™‚

Let me know what you think!