The New Jesuit General: “A Wise Man from the East”

I first heard the good news when I read Cathy’s blog. Then today, I opened up the Xavier School website and found the same bit of good news written by someone we know well — Fr. Daniel Patrick Huang, S.J., the Provincial Superior of the Jesuits in the Philippines.

To have the head of the entire Jesuit community come from among the thousands of Jesuits serving in Asia, more specifically the Philippines, is a blessing a thousand times over. Many of those who have personally encountered Fr. Nico have only good words to describe this gentle man who is now known as the “wise man from the East”.

For a more detailed background on Fr. Nico, click HERE.

We all wish Fr. Nico well in his new appointment. May God be his constant guide and strength.

Fr. Danny Huang’s article follows:


The day after the election of Fr. Adolfo Nicolas as Superior General of the Society of Jesus, many of us here in Rome find ourselves deeply grateful for the guidance of the Spirit. We believe in faith that it was the Spirit who led us to choose Fr. Nico–as we fondly call him in our part of the world–as the 29th successor to St. Ignatius. This past week, the newspapers in Italy had come out with lists of possible generabili. It is surely significant that Fr. Nicolas was never mentioned!

A Man of God

Fr. Nico embodies for many of us the primary quality St. Ignatius stipulates as desirable in the man who is to become General: that he be a man “closely united with God our Lord.” “Tell me,” an elector from Europe asked me soon after Nico’s election, “have we elected a saint?” Whatever the answer to that question, many have noticed and wondered at the serenity and joy that Nico radiates. There is a wholeness, a centeredness, a freedom about him that point to spiritual depth.

Yesterday, we walked up the stairs of the Curia to the Aula where Nico would later be elected General. He asked me if I had slept well; I answered that I had, more or less. I asked him, in turn, if he had slept well, both of us knowing, as had become clear on the last day of murmurationes, that he was a strong possibility among the electors. He simply smiled his Nico smile, and said, “Yes. I slept very well. There is always hope.” The genuine peacefulness with which he communicated this, in the face of such daunting possibilities, moved me deeply.

Yesterday afternoon, after the election, I visited him in his new quarters, the famous rooms of the General in the Curia. He said that, at lunch, he had asked Fr. Kolvenbach when this—that is, the reality of becoming General– would hit him. Fr. Kolvenbach had answered: “Tonight.” This morning, I was surprised to find Nico (that is, Fr. General) knocking on my door, to give me the gift of the chain he had used to hang his GC 35 ID on, since he no longer needed it. I inquired about how he slept last night. He answered with his familiar smile: “Very peacefully.”

A Friend in the Lord

nicolas.bmp“A joyous man, warm, energetic, and with whom one feels so close!” These words of Fr. Louis Gendron, the Provincial of China, summarize well a second gift Fr. Nico brings to his new office. Fr. Ben Nebres, President of the Ateneo de Manila University and elector for the Philippine Province, speaks in the same vein: “When I think of him, the feelings that come are of affection and friendship. Fr. Nico is many things, but he is above all a companion and a friend. He brings the gift of friendship and encouragement of Blessed Peter Faber. He is a leader who will walk with us and who will invite us to find together, in conversation and prayer, the way that the Lord wants us to follow in our time.”

Nor is this sentiment limited to Jesuits. In his letter of congratulations to Fr. Nicolas, Fr. Gabriel Je, the Delegate of the Korean Provincial in Cambodia, describes the delighted response of a lay missionary from Hongkong working with the Jesuits in Phnom Penh. She had met and been favorably impressed by Fr. Nico when he had visited Cambodia last year. On hearing of his election as General, she spontaneously exclaimed: “There is hope for the Jesuits!”

This warm, welcoming humanity of our new Fr. General—“I feel refreshed after talking with him,” one elector from India told me—is a quality that eminently fulfills the second qualification St. Ignatius mentions in his description of the ideal General: “Charity . . . should particularly shine forth from him, and in a special way toward the members of the Society; likewise a genuine humility which will make him highly beloved . . .”

Numerous gifts of person and experience

To lead the Society as General clearly requires many other gifts. “He ought to be endowed with great intelligence and judgment,” Ignatius writes. “Learning,” “prudence,” “experience,” are among the necessary qualifications for governance that St. Ignatius adds to his list.

Fr. Nico, the “wise man from the East,” as some are already calling him, is richly blessed with such gifts that are both personal and the fruit of his broad experience of many cultures and governance on many levels. “Nowhere was it written that we wanted someone from the Orient,” Fr. Gendron observes. “But for the third time in a row, the Society has elected a missionary, like Fr. Kolvenbach and Fr. Arrupe, a Westerner who has spent most of his Jesuit life in the Orient.” There is something providential, surely, in this pattern.

Fr. Nico, European in origin and training, yet with such breathtakingly broad cultural exposure, and indeed exercising leadership for over forty years in various parts of Asia, brings with him crucial perspectives and sensibilities at a time when the Society of Jesus finds itself in major demographic transitions.

As a professional theologian of depth and creativity, he is also well equipped to help articulate for the Society faithful yet fresh and inspiring visions of our mission and religious life today. His years as Director (and at present, Chair) of the East Asian Pastoral Institute in Manila involve a rich experience of respectful and fruitful cooperation with the hierarchies and local Church leaders of many continents. Moreover, because he worked for several years in the pastoral care of vulnerable Filipino and Asian migrant workers in Tokyo, he brings to his office a special care for the poor, whom the Church and the Society of Jesus call Jesuits to have a preferential love for. At the same time, because he has labored for many decades in the increasingly secular milieu of Japan, he also has a profound sensitivity to the challenges of unbelief and religious indifference that are the context and challenge of many parts of the developed world. Finally, as one who has been Provincial of Japan and President of the Conference of Provincials of East Asia and Oceania, as well as former Major Superior of our Jesuit missions in Cambodia, East Timor and Myanmar, Nico is no stranger to the requirements of governance and administration, and brings this rich administrative and leadership experience with him into his new office.

Young at 71

Yesterday, with a glint of mischievous humor in his eyes, Fr. Nico told me that he had never experienced so many Jesuits asking him with such concern about his health. This is, of course, entirely natural. Ignatius realistically lists sufficient “physical strength demanded by his charge,” as the final qualification of the General. And Nico is 71—72 by April.

His age was, frankly, a concern. But interestingly, it became clear to many of us that chronological years were not the most reliable measure of age where Nico was concerned. Paradoxically, one of the oldest among us was also one of the most youthful in energy and spirit. “He has the mind of a young man,” someone told me in admiration. “I have never walked with anyone who walked so fast. I have to tell him to slow down when I walk with him,” a Latin American Jesuit told me.

But perhaps it is best to let the young speak. Since the announcement of his election, the seventy or so scholastics in the Arrupe International Residence in Manila have been excitedly gathering to share stories and experiences of the General who, until yesterday, was their Major Superior. Scholastics, mostly in their twenties, from East Timor, Myanmar, China, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand have expressed their delight in and appreciation of the choice of the Congregation. Isaias Caldas, a junior from East Timor, wrote to his Regional Superior, Fr. John Mace, thus: “Personally I am excited and overjoyed because this General is someone whom I know personally, a General who always passes by in front of AIR after his lunch in EAPI, a General who once told us during one of his exhortations to the community to make our religious struggles become “big,” [broad in apostolic horizons] not limited only to our worries about prayer and chastity, a General who wants us to think now about what we can do in the future, a General who wishes us to be very good at one thing for, if that is so, we would be very useful in our ministry later, a General who has good humor and is friendly to us scholastics, a General who encourages me to read more and watch good movies like a good Jesuit.”

“Because we are poor, God is our only strength.”

Yesterday morning, in the Aula, when it became clear that Adolfo Nicolas had been chosen, and when he finally left his place among the electors to stand and then kneel in our midst to make his profession of faith, I found myself, to my embarrassment, unable to control my tears. I felt such pity for Nico, as we placed the enormous burden of the governance of the Society on him, and also such gratitude to him, too, for his willingness to accept this office for the sake of the Society. As I wept, I found myself repeatedly praying a single sentence: “Lord, help Nico.”

Today, however, I am more at peace, mostly because I see that the General is at peace too. This evening, Fr. General led us in a Mass of Thanksgiving at the Church of the Gesù. His homily (in Italian interspersed with a few “Italianized” Spanish words!) was deep and moving, radiant with “Evangelical simplicity,” one European Jesuit told me, “without a single excess word.” He reflected on the Servant of Yahweh in the book of Isaiah. Where does this humble servant get his strength to serve? To answer this question, Nico shared an experience he had during his ministry to migrant workers in Japan. A woman, a Filipina, overwhelmed by her many problems, confessed to her friend her confusion and near despair. Her friend, also a Filipina migrant worker, simply said to her: “Let us go to Church. Because we are poor, God is our only strength.” Once again, when I heard these last words, I felt tears rush to my eyes, because it seemed to me that Fr. General had borrowed the words of this poor, vulnerable, faith-filled woman to speak of himself.

“Because we are poor, God is our only strength.” It is surely appropriate, that as we pray in gratitude to God for the gift of our new General, we pray too for him. May God be Nico’s only strength, as he leads us, in wisdom, courage and compassion, in the Society’s service of “God alone and the Church, his spouse, under the Roman Pontiff,” ad majorem Dei gloriam.

Daniel Patrick Huang, S.J.

20 January 2008

What’s In a Name?

Saw this post on Dine’s blog and was curious to find out what my own name meant. Funny, my name’s meanings almost hit the nail on the head (except, in my opinion, for the “flaky” part). Is it really possible that we become what our names’ hidden meanings connote? Find out for yourself….

What Jane Means

You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you.
You never give up, and you will succeed… even if it takes you a hundred tries.You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice.You are usually the best at everything … you strive for perfection.You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

You have the classic “Type A” personality.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.

You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.

You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.

You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.

At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

Living Together, Growing Together (updated)

The theme of my in-laws’ 60th Wedding Anniversary came from an old, almost forgotten movie “The Lost Horizon” with Burt Bacharach’s song, “Living Together, Growing Together”.

While this song never made it big and can hardly be found in CDs of Burt Bacharach songs, we felt this was the most appropriate for our celebration as it talks about how families start out and grow together. Some of the lyrics go this way:

It just takes wood to build a house
Fill it with people and you got a home
Fill it with love and people take root
It’s just like a tree
Where each branch becomes a family.

Living together, growing together
Just being together
That’s how it starts, 3 loving hearts

All pulling together, working together
Just building together
That makes you strong, when things go wrong.

Reaching 60 years of marriage together is quite an achievement. Many of our guests expressed this sentiment and come to think of it, how many couples are actually blessed to live long enough to see through their 60th? I think I myself won’t live long enough to reach that! So we cannot thank the Lord enough for this tremendous blessing He has given to us.

Cousin Marisa found a YouTube video from the actual movie. The lyrics alone express exactly what family is all about.

Last night, at the celebration, we all sang this onstage while the video presentation that C2 and her cousins worked on for days, flashed on a giant screen.


Below is the video prepared by C2 and her Aussie cousin, Eugene:

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas (our family’s version)

“‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.”

Hubby would recite this poem from memory during many Christmases and I learned that when they were small, he was always tasked to recite this poem by his aunts during their Christmas program. No wonder!

Well, I did not know that this poem had so many more stanzas to it than the often-recited intro. Turns out, it has about 56 lines to the poem.

My BIL Gerard decided to revive their old family tradition with a twist. He divided up the lines into about 27, made us all draw lots to see who gets which lines, and we had to deliver them in the most creative way possible during our Christmas program.

I drew #22 and my lines went this way: “He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk. And laying his finger aside of his nose,…”

Just 3 lines. Yet as soon as I said the 3rd line, I promptly forgot the 1st line. So tell me, when was the last time I had to memorize anything? What with my handy PDA and computer and cellphone to keep track for me? I had no need to commit these things to memory!!!

But we all tried our best (the family spirit of healthy competition kicked in!). It was a real contest, after all. Gerard set up a mock stage complete with drawn curtains. My MIL was a judge and so was another family friend. And there were prizes to be won too!

Curtain time!!!

Greg, one of my 5 BILs, opened the show with an introduction about the poem’s history in the family.

Then one by one, we came out of the curtains, delivered our lines, complete with whatever props we could rustle up at the last minute, and were cheerfully applauded by everyone else.

Some highlights:
* Goko (Aunt Luding) and Gilbert were dressed in actual PJs for their part;

* The throw pillows in the den were nowhere to be found because each one of us playing Santa had stashed 1 under our shirts;

* A niece, Steffy, cut out red circles for her face;

* The part with Santa and the reindeer were aptly played by Gabby’s kids. They used a chair on wheels as sled, had 2 kids as reindeer (using the cardboard antlers they made earlier) tied to the chair with straw. Eugene played Santa;

* Marisa caught everyone’s attention because during her part, she ended by throwing chips into the audience. Of course all the kids had loads of fun catching them as they were thrown;

* Gabby came all dressed up in a nightcap and borrowed nightwear, with a woolen scarf to boot;


* For my part, I got a blanket from our room and put in some gifts to make it look like Santa’s knapsack. And borrowed one son’s black socks for the “stockings” part.

The judges chose the top 10 performers. Since some were tied, 7 awards were given out all in all though prizes were awarded only to the top 3 places.

M2 took 3rd place, Marisa placed 2nd, and guess who tied for 1st place…

My dad in-law and I!

Hehehehe…surprise, surprise.

After the show, we played “Pin the Tail on the Donkey”. I tell you, it was a retro afternoon with parlor games dating back to the 70s!!

Greg played Santa later, announcing the names of the gift recipients. Each kid had a trash bag handy to store all his/her gifts in it (we learned from past Christmases when gifts would get all mixed up!).

What an afternoon!

Sending You Peace and Love for Christmas

I am now taking my Christmas break in the province of my in-laws where the entire side of this island is surrounded by the sea. It is a wonderful place to do yoga. Quiet, countryside home. No sounds of traffic. Just the birds, trees abounding, and the honking of geese, neighing of horses, and other animals that wander freely around the manicured lawns of our family home. It is a great time away from the frenetic pace of Manila. It is becoming my own individual yoga retreat.

Today, I did some yoga in our room which overlooks the greenhouse. No distractions. Just myself and nature. Wonderful!

As the time for Christmas draws near and the New Year is just around the corner, I would like to wish all my yogi and yogini friends as well as all of my blog readers…



(photo courtesy of CardsDirect)

Travel Preparations Go High Tech

Tomorrow I leave for the province with the 2 girls. Hubby and boys follow the next day.

I am looking forward to these next 2 weeks in so many ways. First, it’s my in-laws’ 60th wedding anniversary. Big celebration. Lots of guests, Family coming home from abroad. Reunions galore. Food everywhere. Yup, I think I am gonna love this vacation. And maybe, just maybe, I will finally gain some decent weight…..

Of course, the flip side is all the work I need to bring with me since I am in the middle of a systems implementation project which requires decisions, consultations, teleconferences, and so on.

My kumpare Lito (who works for this company I consult for) gave me the 4-1-1 on how I can be up and running and in touch with the project team through my 3G handset (which I got because it looked nice but never went as far as using it to surf the internet).

This is what I went through:

1. Bought a Smart prepaid SIM (Smart only charges P10 for half an hour — like an internet cafe — while Globe charges by kilobyte downloaded, which will quickly empty your load).  Loaded P300 on it.

2. Configured my phone’s settings and installed Nokia PC Suite on hubby’s laptop

3. Set up via PC Suite the internet connection so the laptop could recognize my Smart wireless connecton

4. Tested everything by logging onto Smart via laptop and voila! I WAS CONNECTED!

Now, it means I can check email and chat with my project team members either via my 3G mobile or on the laptop, using the mobile as a modem.

Hey! I learned something new!

Also found out that my in-laws’ place is a wi-fi spot. Woohoo!

So maybe I need not say good-bye to all of you because it looks like I could actually get some blogging squeezed in during this vacation. Unless…..I get bogged down practicing (I heard we need to prepare for a program during the dinner celebration!!!).

Oh…and yeah! Guess what else I am lugging along….


Hahaha. Hope to do my teacher Pio proud!